I wrote a poem about ‘Gradely Folk’ and my regrets about the lack of the same, Then I went to ‘Pride in Oldham’ and ‘POINT’ and felt a pang of shame, They were all there, those ‘gradely folk’, showing just what they had done, And whether they won awards or not, in reality, they all […]
Tag Archives | grantsomerville
Gradely Folk by Grant Somerville
Gradely Owdam folk are gooin’, an’ it’s mekin’ mi feel reight sick, Folk oo’d allus ‘elp one another, through the thin and thick. An’ care fur th’owd neighbours onytime, when as thi wer badly. But now they’ll not do owt fur nowt an’ nowt fur no one, sadly! Aye th’owd spirit’s deein! Can it return? […]