Terms and Conditions

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully. The following are the Terms and Conditions for submitting content to the ‘Website’ www.apoembymanchester.co.uk and consenting to the ‘Artist’ Kirsty Gbasai utilising submitted sentences to compile the final poem Yarn. By submitting a sentence to the ‘Website’ , you agree to accept the Terms and conditions as outlined below;

If you do not consent to this please do not submit a sentence.

Terms & Conditions
1. By contributing a sentence to the poem using the submission form on the Website you are consenting to the Artist compiling submitted sentences and displaying the finished poem Yarn in whatever format the Artist sees fit. All rights to reproduce the the final poem will reside with the Artist.

When you submit a sentence to the Website, you:
a. Grant the ‘Artist’, an irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable license (with right to sub-license) to use, publish, reproduce, distribute, produce derivative works of, display, broadcast and perform the poem in part or as a whole, in any media formats and through any media channels without liability or acknowledgement to you;
b. Grant the ‘Artist’ the right to issue publicity concerning the contribution and any programme in which it may be included and for such purpose to use.

2. We may publish the sentence that you submit, but cannot guarantee that all sentences submitted for submission will be used in the poem Yarn or published to the Website.

3. You agree that our editor reserves the right to delete sentences with words or meanings that are deemed abusive, harmful, or inappropriate to readers.

4. You agree that as a contributor you will be credited on the website and any other media and/or publications online or offline by first name, unless you opt out and enter ‘Anon’ when submitting a sentence.

5. Unauthorised use and/or duplication of any material or content on the Website or from the poem Yarn without express and written permission from the Artist is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to the Website and/or the poem Yarn with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

6. You warrant that any sentences submitted by you shall fully comply with these terms and conditions, and you will be liable to us and indemnify us against all and any costs, claims, expenses and liabilities (including without limitation, legal fees and any sums paid on the Contributing user) for any breach of that warranty.

7. This agreement may be freely assigned or licensed by us. This agreement shall be governed by and constructed in accordance with English Law.

8. I understand that if I do not agree with these Terms and Conditions I will not submit a sentence to the poem Yarn.

I have read, understand and agree with every provision of this contract, and by submitting content hereby certify that I accept and agree to abide by them and that I am competent to enter in to such a contract.

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